Friday, March 26, 2010

Pasta with Spinach and Cheese

Quick, easy and healthy meal. Follow the procedure below:


fresh baby spinach
cheese (any kind you like, I used feta and manchego)
olive oil

Wash the spinach. Shake the water off.

Transfer the spinach into the pan together with some water that's left on it from washing and a little bit of oil. Saute for 10-15 minutes until it shrinks to about 1/4 size.

Than add cheese. I grated some manchego cheese (about 4 tbsp), and added crumbled feta (about 2 tbsp). Parmesan and cottage would work too. You can add more or less, depending on how you like.

While your spinach is cooking down, use that time to cook some pasta. I am using my home made pasta recipe, which you can fine here.


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